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Alexander Haas

PhD Candidate in Economics
University of Oxford & Balliol College
Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Macro-Finance
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Welcome! I am a PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Oxford, where my advisor is Andrea Ferrero.
I am on the 2023/2024 academic job market. My research interests are in macroeconomics, monetary economics, and macro-finance, with a particular focus on monetary and fiscal policy in the context of frictions in financial intermediation and liquidity. At Oxford, I have taught both undergraduate and graduate students as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Economics at Trinity College and a TA for MPhil/PhD Macroeconomics.
In my job market paper, I study monetary policy in a tightening cycle. You can contact me at:
Update  I am spending this summer as an academic visitor at the Banco de España & CEMFI in Madrid, please do reach out if you would like to meet. In September, I will be joining the Department of Economics at Monash University in Melbourne as an Assistant Professor.

With inflation reaching levels not seen in more than thirty years, central banks in many advanced economies have embarked on a rapid tightening cycle over the past eighteen months. Interest rate hikes impose capital losses on bank balance sheets. As net worth declines, risks to financial stability grow. In recent months, this has reignited a debate on a potential trade-off between monetary and financial stability. In this paper, I set up a new-Keynesian model of savers and borrowers with banks subject to a principal-agent friction and the risk of a run on deposits. In the model, a contractionary rates policy depresses bank net worth and increases the risk of a run. I show that a limited expansion of the central bank balance sheet can address concerns about financial stability with little to no costs for the pursuit of monetary stability. Differences in the transmission of both monetary instruments are key for this result. A decomposition of bank net worth illustrates this and the financial sector implications of monetary policy. Further, a U.S. ‘pandemic era inflation’ scenario is used as a laboratory to analyse policy counterfactuals against the backdrop of heightened inflation and declining bank net worth. In this environment, a temporary balance sheet expansion successfully stabilizes bank net worth without adding significant inflationary pressure.
Upcoming University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 3 October 2024
Recently Theories & Methods in Macro (T2M), Amsterdam, 2-3 May  |  ESCB ChaMP Research Network, Frankfurt, 24-26 April  |  SES Annual Conference, Glasgow, 15-17 April

Journal of Monetary Economics, September 2023 | Vol. 138 pp. 87-103 Published version | open access Online appendix Citation
Negative policy rates can convince markets that deposit rates will remain lower-for-longer, even when current deposit rates are constrained by zero. This is the signalling channel of negative interest rates. We analyse the optimality and effectiveness of negative rates in the context of this novel transmission channel. In a stylized model, we prove two necessary conditions for optimality: time-consistency and a preference for policy smoothing. In an estimated model, we show the signalling channel dominates banks’ costly interest margin channel. However, the effectiveness of negative rates depends sensitively on the degree of policy inertia, level of reserves, and ZLB duration.
Also, non-technical summaries of previous versions of the paper on the Royal Economic Society's homepage (April 2019) and the LSE Business Review blog (May 2019).

This paper builds on two empirical observations: (i) financial conditions are relevant drivers of the business cycle, and (ii) early stages of the 2007/08 financial crisis, in particular, were driven by an erosion of safety and a dry-up of liquidity. Liquidity and safety are broad and interlinked notions, difficult to disentangle empirically. Their distinction is crucial for monetary and fiscal policy design though. In this paper, we endogenize the liquidity and safety of private assets in a medium-scale new-Keynesian model with heterogeneous firms and two financial frictions (on resaleability and quality paired with asymmetric information). Using U.S. macro and financial data, we estimate this model to (i) identify the structural drivers of liquidity and safety premia, (ii) study the role of both types of financial shocks over the business cycle, (iii) revisit the 2007/08 financial crisis in detail, and (iv) provide several further results on policy, fiscal multipliers, and the so called liquidity puzzle.
Upcoming Banco de España, Madrid, 18 July 2024
Most recent presentations RES Annual Conference, Belfast, 25-27 March 2024     |     King's College Workshop in Empirical & Theoretical Macro, London, 18-19 May 2023
Financial Panics and Liquidity Interventions, with Derrick Kanngiesser Slides
We analyze the implications of policy interventions - in particular emergency liquidity provisions by the central bank in times of crisis - in a tractable structural model of financial panics with efficient but run-prone non-bank financial intermediaries (NBFI). In the model, central bank liquidity interventions in times of crisis have the potential to avert runs on NBFI (stabilizing fire sale asset prices) but also come with ex-ante moral hazard implications as non-bank financial intermediaries anticipate crisis interventions and optimally increase leverage, thereby exacerbating the risk of future financial panics. Our preliminary results indicate that in anticipation of liquidity interventions non-banks increase leverage and assume a larger share of financial intermediation. However, in our calibrated model, this effect does not lead to a higher run frequency as emergency liquidity interventions are successful in preventing all but the worst financial panics. Asset prices are permanently higher and welfare in consumption-equivalent units increases.
Most recent presentations 60th SUERF Anniversary & 50th OeNB Annual Conference, Vienna, 22-23 May 2023     |     CEF Annual Conference, Nice, 3-6 July 2023
New  The Geography of the Financial Accelerator, with Rustam Jamilov